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    Reflective Portion of Individual to Addresses Personal Development


    • Unit No: 3
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 6 / Words 1611
    • Paper Type: Essay
    • Course Code: COM10011
    • Downloads: 888
    Question :

    Learning Outcomes:

    LO1: Mention a brief understanding of the concepts of reflective learning and personal development

    LO2: Review the relevance of personal development to the role of a manager, for one's own and others' development

    LO3: Analyse one's own development effectively and apply newly acquired skills

    LO4: Determine one's own and others' performance through giving and receiving feedback.

    LO5: Analyse development needs and identify resources and opportunities to address them

    LO6: Prepare your own approach to reflective learning and continuing professional development.

    Assessment Criteria:

    Prepare a Reflective Journal that assesses your learning process in relation to the Employability/Study Skills of the module.

    Generate an understanding of the concept of CSR and the challenge that mangers have in implementing such a strategy.

    Analyse the importance of taking control of your individual Personal Development Planning (PDP).

    Determine your individual strengths and weaknesses and how you can utilise the conversion and matching strategies to take advantage of available opportunities and minimise the threats.

    Discuss individuals areas for professional development.


    Task 1 – Individual Presentation Paper – 50%

    Make an Individual Presentation Paper which is based on your analysis of why businesses should practice Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with inclusion of any challenges of doing so within the current competitive business environment.

    Notes for Undertaking the Presentation:

    Prepare a research from credible sources on the role that Corporate Social Responsibility practices plays in the overall achievement of the organisation goals.

    Apply a range of credible sources for your research and reference your sources.

    Design a maximum of 15 Power Point slides and notes.

    The PPT Slides will be given as a Presentation Paper and should have explanatory notes underneath the slides.

    Use relevant academic models and business examples in your presentation.

    Word count – 1000 words

    Make 15 Power Point slides with maximum of 1000 words.

    Task 2 – Reflective Journal – 50%

    Make a reflective journal that discusses how the completion of the above task and the module in general has contributed to your achievement of the employability and study skills listed on pages 1 and 2 of this Project Brief which relate to;

    Communication skills-verbal and written

    Research skills

    The use of ICTs

    Team work

    Time and self-management

    Problem solving skills

    You should consider using a relevant model in your personal reflection process such as; Gibbs Reflective Cycle or   Kolb’s Reflective Cycle  etc.

    Involve evidence with examples to support the achievement of these skills.

    Word count – 1500 words

    Answer :


    Personal and professional development is basically the learning process that engages either organisation or individual to acquire the new knowledge or skill in order to thoroughly enhance the operations and build up viable career. Such academic learning keeps the individual updated by constantly developing their capabilities which act as an opportunity in terms of personal development (Bukor, 2015). This procedure usually include the reflective portion where the individual addresses his/her personal experience while working for the certain business module. To better define the topic, Gibbs model is used which is the reflective cycle that comprises of different stages based on which an individual deeply describe his/her experience while acquire new skill.

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    Gibbs reflective cycle was developed in 1988 by Graham Gibbs which is a framework that is used to highlight the experience of an individual in a learning process. This offers the area where deep discussion is made by the individual in terms to determine the things which worked well or didn't go in predetermined direction. It is considered as the popular model in terms to give structure to the thought process which leads to better sense of understanding and enhance the person's ability in terms to deal with any similar problem in the near future effectively. In relation to the respective model, Gibbs model is articulated to determine the contribution of an individual while working in business module (Cassematis and Wortley, 2013). Additionally, the module is about the essence for business to practice Corporate Social Responsibility activities in order to successfully work and overcome challenges in the competitive business environment. It comprises of the six stages based on which an individual have shared their experience which is determined below:

    Description: When the task was allotted to me by lecturer the purpose of this project was to gain deep insights about the CSR activities and how it can help to mitigate the challenges within an organisation. The objective of this particular module was to improve the learning for personal development due to which I was required to prepare the presentation and determine the role of manager for personal and professional development. In the beginning I had moderate knowledge in relation to the essence of CSR due to which I sharpen up my knowledge regarding subject and focused more on the team work. Participation in team helped in gaining knowledge about various facts and figures along with that the assistance of professor was useful in terms to proceed the academic work in right direction. Better emphasize on the subject improved my secondary research ability as for better articulation of data in presentation I access various books, journal, article as well as use search engine in order acknowledge the wise understanding over subject.

    Feeling: While undergoing the verbal discussion about the module for the first time with the other team members, I realised that I do not have proficient knowledge about the subject. As rather than putting forward the unique solution or measure I gave more emphasize to my listening ability. Reason being lack of adequate information which can affect the significance of my content. This whole process made me anxious in terms to effectively perform the business module and conduct presentation. Later on, this team work and the guidance from my professor significantly assisted me to gain deep insight about the topic. So while I was studying about the module, I was constantly in touch with other individual that directed me the way to follow the learning procedure. Certainly after my task was over, I was confident enough about my performance even my tutor and professor was happy for the successful completion of topic that gave me weird overview. This project was not only about the theoretical knowledge but along with that, I acquire certain new skills which is associated with effective communication that came with constant interaction and presentation programme. Along with that, I had no better overview about the importance to acquire problem solving skill but while carrying out my module, I marked my all problem and take significant efforts in terms to resolve them and properly understand the subject.

    Evaluation: During the tenure of this academic learning, I experienced both positive as well as negative situation in terms to effective cover up the module. All these circumstances or situation strengthen my abilities in order to address the problem and support the new skill effectively. Like, earlier I used to hesitate to ask my problems to the tutor and share my content during the time of discussion. This affected my image in front of the other individuals which affected my morale and self confidence. But, once I studied the topic, I automatically generate the interest on module and my internal urge helped to cope up with the hesitation issue. Although team member most of the time neglect my points but this act as a positive situation for me because it motivate me to effectively manage my time and allocate abundant time to the module. So, the presence of other member significantly helped me to develop my skill and bring transition in my roles as well as responsibilities.

    Analysis: Effective communication and extensive research work helped me to deal with the situation by which I landed up in acquiring significant knowledge over the allotted subject. Somewhere, my low confidence in terms of discussing the problem and giving personal opinion hindered my performance in the initial days. This somewhere affected my performance as I was not able to utilize my starting days proficient which has created gap in my performance. Although, the constant support from the professor's side was useful for me in terms to continuously improve my experience by improving task activity. To produce the better outcome, I use the ICT which is Information and Communication technology in terms to better manage the resources which was used to create, store, disseminate as well as manage the information. It assisted me to sort down the relevant information about the CSR activities which led to deeply understand the topic and ways to offset the challenges in dynamic environment. Similarly, while conducting presentation, I was confident enough to present as well as handle the queries of viewers. As due to the significant research work and indulging into problem solving activities, I was able to acquire proficient knowledge over the subject. So rather than hesitation, I maintained eye constant and effectively deliver the topic for which I gained desirable response.

    Conclusion: While carry out the work in this module, I learn to better understand the module and accordingly allocate time to better manage the performance. This is the better way to cover all the aspects and gain consistent knowledge over the subject. I thoroughly enjoyed working in this activity because of the productive knowledge acquired from the topic in terms of successful completion of task. For more improvement in this situation, I would have effectively utilised the whole tenure which I was not able to due to hesitation and inadequate knowledge of subject. Along with if I would have clear all my doubts and confusions during the time of discussion. This can landed up in saving more time while conducting research work. Although I was able to balance my time but, from the next time I will prefer to be more proactive in terms to cover up all the subjects and activities significantly. Future, use of ICT technology during the tenure of the module assisted me to fully utilise the technology in terms to store, design and retrieve the data effectively. Therefore, in order to improve the outcome from next time, I will be more inclined toward the technology because it help to better achieve the objective.

    Action plan:If the similar situation exist again then, I will better deal with it by gaining significant amount of training in the various ICT technology because it will help me to better manage all the data and convert it into relevant outcome. This technique will significantly work in my favour by mitigating negative impact of the circumstance on my personal performance. Although, I have developed problem solving skill but still I need to constantly polish it in order to derive out the unique and creative solution. This additional learning of the technology and urge to acquire new skill will help me in personal and professional development. Hence, it is the desirable way by which I will get better opportunity to deal with the situation at real time by better engaging my time and bring out productivity while carrying out task.


    From the above report, it has been determined that the role of personal and professional development is to improve the self awareness that pursuit direction in terms to make the effective decision and reach out to unique solution. It basically involve the reflective portion that is used to illustrate the continuous learning process of an individual in order to significantly perform their actions. Thus, it examine the favourable way that encourage the people to practically work under the academic portion and systematically share their experience during the particular situation, activity as well as event.

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